Kinesiology Services

Benefits of Kinesiology

Kinesiology Leg Motion
  • Healthier workplaces and safe return to work planning
  • Weight management and improved overall health
  • Improved strength & conditioning
  • Improved flexibility and movement
  • Improved balance and proprioception
  • Reduced incidence of pain and discomfort
  • Improved function and sport performance

Kinesiology Explained

Kin Therapy

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the science of human movement and the relationship between physical activity and health. Registered Kinesiologists (R. Kin) specialize in the assessment of human movement, performance, and physical function.

Kinesiology Applied

Kinesiologists are involved in the rehabilitation, prevention, and management of disorders to maintain, rehabilitate, or enhance movement, function or performance in the areas of sport, recreation, and work.

St.Thomas Chiropractic provides health and fitness consulting services, exercise and physical therapy, weight management programs, office/worksite ergonomic assessments, physical demands analysis, and functional abilities evaluations.

Reviewing a Spine

Kinesiology Education

In Canada, kinesiologists are required to complete four years of full time study at a recognized university. The program focuses on anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, epidemiology, ergonomics, athletic therapy, psychomotor behaviour and learning, sport psychology and health promotion.